Stretching is a good thing. Babies stretch. Dogs and cats stretch. You used to stretch, too. If you watch a baby or a cat or dog, you will notice that when they stretch they always move in a way that opens the front of their body. Naturally and instinctively they stretch the muscles that need… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain–Should You Massage It Or Stretch?
Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief and Stretching
Does stretching help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? The answer seems to be, “It depends.” Stretching in general is good, especially stretching the muscles that we hold in short positions for most of our day. Keeping the muscles in the front of your body stretched can help prevent carpal tunnel symptoms in the first place. It can… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief and Stretching
How Can You Stop Your Carpal Tunnel Pain?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms may go away when you rest your muscles, do different activities, use proper (“good”) body mechanics and posture, and exercise (move) and strengthen the muscles in your arm. But if you don’t keep doing all of those things, your symptoms can come back. (Symptoms are things like pain, tingling, numbness, knots… Continue reading How Can You Stop Your Carpal Tunnel Pain?
Carpal Tunnel Symptoms–What Causes Pain, Numbness or Tingling in Your Hand
What causes the pain of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? There is a nerve that passes through your wrist. It’s called the median nerve. Nerves hate it when anything presses on them. They hate it! There is a narrow passage in your wrist (the “carpal tunnel”) and the median nerve passes through this tunnel. If space becomes… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Symptoms–What Causes Pain, Numbness or Tingling in Your Hand
Why Do You Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Who gets Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and why? Many people think it is due to repetitive work–doing the same movement over and over. Sometimes that is true but more often it is due to doing the repetitive work incorrectly or in an incorrect posture. Sometimes when we learn a new job or hobby we learn to… Continue reading Why Do You Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Muscles Around Your Neck That Cause CTS
What does it mean when your carpal tunnel symptoms won’t go away with therapy or with every self-help technique that you can think of? That could mean the cause is something that you or your therapist haven’t thought of: the muscles around your neck. Wait a minute. How do the muscles around your neck cause… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Muscles Around Your Neck That Cause CTS
Can You Have Natural Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief?
“Carpal Tunnel Syndrome” says your doctor. Or maybe you suspect you have it. You definitely have some type of symptoms–pain, numbness or tingling–in your hands and wrists. (A “syndrome” is a bunch of “symptoms.” Symptoms are things like tingling, pain, wheezing, headaches.) Do you think it’s possible to have natural relief from carpal tunnel symptoms?… Continue reading Can You Have Natural Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief?
Vitamin B6 and Other Supplements for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief
It’s easy to have a vitamin deficiency or insufficiency (not enough). Vitamins and minerals are very tiny but very powerful. When you do not have enough of one or more, it’s possible to have symptoms of that deficiency. Scurvy and rickets are examples of symptoms that people used to get when they had certain vitamin… Continue reading Vitamin B6 and Other Supplements for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief
Is Carpal Tunnel Pain Caused By The Way You Sit?
Carpal tunnel symptoms can happen when your neck muscles aren’t happy. What makes them unhappy? Lots of times it’s the way you sit. When you’re sitting at your computer, are you sitting nice and straight? Or, do you slouch? Do you twist your legs under your chair? Are you tilting your chin down or up… Continue reading Is Carpal Tunnel Pain Caused By The Way You Sit?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Your Ability to Heal Naturally versus Surgery
Can you heal naturally from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Or will you need surgery? Here’s the story my client Betty told me. About 15 years ago, Betty was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Her doctors advised her to have surgery. She did not want to have surgery. So she didn’t. Instead she started wearing a wrist… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Your Ability to Heal Naturally versus Surgery