Pain in the base of your thumb? Perhaps you think it’s arthritis? Or maybe “old age”? Here’s the most likely cause. Muscles are responsible for most of our pain–and largely overlooked by the medical profession. The most logical thing when you have pain in your hand, thumb, fingers, arm or anywhere else in your body… Continue reading Muscles That Causes Pain In The Base Of Your Thumb
Muscle That Causes Pain In Your Thumb and First Two Fingers
Got pain in your thumb and first two fingers? Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Learn more: Muscles cause more pain in your body than they get credit for. Sometimes it’s a “tight” muscle and sometimes trigger points are responsible. Trigger points are highly irritable (crabby) areas in muscles that cause pain elsewhere. There is a… Continue reading Muscle That Causes Pain In Your Thumb and First Two Fingers
Thumb and Finger Pain – What Causes Pain In Your Fingers and Thumb
Is pain in your thumb and fingers related to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Or are muscles in your hand and arm causing your finger and thumb pain?
Get Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief in 7 Easy Steps
Carpal tunnel syndrome has causes. Maybe you have only one cause and maybe you have more than one. If you can figure out the causes of your symptoms, you can get rid of them. That lets you get rid of your carpal tunnel pain. Muscles and whole body issues are usually to blame but occasionally… Continue reading Get Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief in 7 Easy Steps
Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief with Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of medical treatment which is thousands of years old. I found many references about the value of acupuncture for treating back and neck pain and suspected I would find a lot for treatment of carpal tunnel symptoms, too, but I really didn’t find as many. The practice of acupuncture involves stimulating… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief with Acupuncture
The Uncommon Cure For Carpal Tunnel Pain
What is the uncommon cure for carpal tunnel pain? It starts with looking at the whole body–not just your wrist–and taking steps to relieve your carpal tunnel symptoms naturally.
What Helps Get Rid Of Carpal Tunnel Symptoms The Most
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has several causes but most of them involve your muscles and your whole body. If you take action to correct the causes yourself, you can have natural pain relief. Will this work for everyone? It depends how many causes are causing distress for you and how much effort you are willing to… Continue reading What Helps Get Rid Of Carpal Tunnel Symptoms The Most
Acupuncture and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Acupuncture is a method of “freeing up” or opening the channels of energy in a body. I remember reading years ago that an American engineer was able to trace these energy channels. He said they do, in fact, occur. He was able to document them electronically or electrically. By opening energetic channels or passageways in… Continue reading Acupuncture and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Caused by Compression in Your Wrist
The carpal tunnel is the internal “tunnel”, or passageway, enclosed by your wrist bones. Your nerves and blood vessels pass through this “tunnel.” If this area gets compressed (squeezed–which happens from position, swelling or crushing) uncomfortable sensations in your hand can result. Compression can result from movements such as tilting. We are made to move… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Caused by Compression in Your Wrist
Stretching for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can have several causes but most often the cause is muscles. Tight overstretched muscles in your back. Tight shortened muscles in the front of your body. Muscles can be the primary cause of your symptoms. Strengthening helps and so does stretching but it’s helpful to know WHICH muscles to strengthen and WHICH… Continue reading Stretching for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief