I’ll Bet You Think Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Started In Your Wrist

If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you feel most of the symptoms in your hand/wrist.  But, that does NOT mean that’s where the cause is!  No, no, no! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a bunch of symptoms.  Symptoms are caused by something.  Hmmm.  Maybe you think, then, that it’s from repetitive movement?  Or maybe the cause… Continue reading I’ll Bet You Think Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Started In Your Wrist

Does Your Carpal Tunnel Pain Come From Your Neck? Here’s A Test for CTS Caused By Neck Muscles

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome often has a “hidden” cause.  There are muscles in your neck that are called the scalenes.  There is a set on each side of your neck–left and right.  These muscles are commonly overlooked as a cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In fact, when conventional or alternative treatments for CTS don’t relieve your… Continue reading Does Your Carpal Tunnel Pain Come From Your Neck? Here’s A Test for CTS Caused By Neck Muscles

Carpal Tunnel Pain Following Shoulder Surgery

A reader asked me about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that started after she had damage to and surgery on a shoulder.  She wondered whether her CTS is related to the accidental injury to her shoulder since she didn’t have any symptoms prior to the injury. I did some research and below is part of my response… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain Following Shoulder Surgery

Does Night-Time Splinting Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

According to a study from researchers at the University of Michigan, people who have early symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can benefit from night-time splinting. Splinting (wearing a brace) at night helps because it keeps you from doing “strange things” with your wrists while you are sleeping. These strange things involve curling your palms and… Continue reading Does Night-Time Splinting Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

How To Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

I received an email from a reader who didn’t have too much discomfort in his wrists, but does have a lot of discomfort in his elbow, hand, shoulders and neck.  His pain usually starts when he is typing for long hours and then stays on even after he stops.  He wondered whether he has Carpal… Continue reading How To Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

I Can Cure Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms! Oh, Really?

“Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now!”  Is this really possible?  Can it be true?  Well, maybe. There are many, many different factors, or causes, in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  It is NOT something that happens just at your wrist.  The causes can be in your whole body or in your neck or in your arm. Surgical treatment… Continue reading I Can Cure Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms! Oh, Really?

Pain on the Outside of Your Hand–Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Pam was having pain on the outside (baby finger side or ulnar side) of her hand and wondered whether it was carpal tunnel syndrome. She contacted me because she was afraid her massage career was going to be over. Trigger points are areas in muscles (or other soft tissues) that trigger, or refer, pain or… Continue reading Pain on the Outside of Your Hand–Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

deQuervain’s Syndrome

If DeQuervain’s is diagnosed, that means your doctor has found a name for the pain and tenderness on the outside of your thumb.  The pain might feel sharp, like a stabbing pain, and happens when you move your hand a certain way. DeQuervain’s may also cause difficulty for you when you are making a fist… Continue reading deQuervain’s Syndrome

Action Steps to Reduce & Relieve Carpal Tunnel Pain

Pain in the carpal tunnel area happens for a reason.  There are always reasons why we have pain. Here are several action steps you can take to start getting rid of your carpal tunnel symptoms: When we know the “why”, then we can pretty well out figure out the “what” to do to stop hurting.… Continue reading Action Steps to Reduce & Relieve Carpal Tunnel Pain

When Carpal Tunnel Pain Won’t Go Away, Check Trigger Points In Muscles

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is very often caused by trigger points in your muscles. What ARE trigger points?  Trigger points are hyperirritable (crabby) areas of muscle or other soft tissues (or myofascia).  Trigger points can  be found in any soft tissues.  Soft tissues are everything except bone. What do trigger points do?  They cause pain and… Continue reading When Carpal Tunnel Pain Won’t Go Away, Check Trigger Points In Muscles