Does Your Carpal Tunnel Pain Come From Your Neck? CTS Can Be Caused By Neck Muscles

Sometimes your carpal tunnel symptoms are caused by a muscle in your neck! More info here.

Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cause Pain In Your Thumb?

Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome cause pain in your thumb?  Well, maybe not, actually.  Here’s some background: Something caused the pain in your wrist, hand and arm. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome means you have a bunch of symptoms, like pain, numbness or tingling. A syndrome is a bunch of symptoms. So, you might have pain in your… Continue reading Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cause Pain In Your Thumb?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Can Be Caused By Asthma

Did you ever guess asthma or other breathing difficulties could cause your carpal tunnel symptoms?  Sure it can. How? You have a muscle called the diaphragm which basically divides your body into two pieces.  It is below your lungs and is used for breathing.  Sometimes, for one reason or another, we stop using the diaphragm… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Can Be Caused By Asthma

Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief – What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) always has a cause (or a few causes).  And, it almost always has a natural cure.  Here’s one very common cause and cure for carpal tunnel pain: Short muscles.  They can cause CTS and stretching can help IF you stretch in the right directions. You see, every part of your body… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief – What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

I’ll Bet You Think Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Started In Your Wrist

If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you feel most of the symptoms in your hand/wrist.  But, that does NOT mean that’s where the cause is!  No, no, no! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a bunch of symptoms.  Symptoms are caused by something.  Hmmm.  Maybe you think, then, that it’s from repetitive movement?  Or maybe the cause… Continue reading I’ll Bet You Think Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Started In Your Wrist

Does Your Carpal Tunnel Pain Come From Your Neck? Here’s A Test for CTS Caused By Neck Muscles

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome often has a “hidden” cause.  There are muscles in your neck that are called the scalenes.  There is a set on each side of your neck–left and right.  These muscles are commonly overlooked as a cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In fact, when conventional or alternative treatments for CTS don’t relieve your… Continue reading Does Your Carpal Tunnel Pain Come From Your Neck? Here’s A Test for CTS Caused By Neck Muscles

Pain on the Outside of Your Hand–Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Pam was having pain on the outside (baby finger side or ulnar side) of her hand and wondered whether it was carpal tunnel syndrome. She contacted me because she was afraid her massage career was going to be over. Trigger points are areas in muscles (or other soft tissues) that trigger, or refer, pain or… Continue reading Pain on the Outside of Your Hand–Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?