Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome–Massage and Chiropractic

Here’s an explanation of why the cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is not usually only in the wrist. We’ll talk about chiropractic treatment and massage therapy for carpal tunnel pain relief, too. The cause of your symptoms can also be in your lower arm, your neck, or your chest or back muscles.  You may have… Continue reading Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome–Massage and Chiropractic

What Doctors Look For When Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There are some causes for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that doctors look for when they make a diagnosis.  One of these is diabetes.  One is a genetically (means you were born with it) small carpal  tunnel space (which is rare.) And, there are a few more which are related to medical problems like either type of… Continue reading What Doctors Look For When Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The Role of Muscles and Trigger Points in Carpal Tunnel Pain

Did you know muscles are involved in most of our pain and pain syndromes including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Muscles can develop “trigger points” which “fire” or “trigger” pain into other parts of our bodies, sometimes at a far distance. Along with a few other things, poor posture contributes to unhappy muscles and soft tissues that… Continue reading The Role of Muscles and Trigger Points in Carpal Tunnel Pain

What Helps Get Rid Of Carpal Tunnel Symptoms The Most

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has several causes but most of them involve your muscles and your whole body.  If you take action to correct the causes yourself, you can have natural pain relief. Will this work for everyone?  It depends how many causes are causing distress for you and how much effort you are willing to… Continue reading What Helps Get Rid Of Carpal Tunnel Symptoms The Most

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Caused by Compression in Your Wrist

The carpal tunnel is the internal “tunnel”, or passageway, enclosed by your wrist bones.  Your nerves and blood vessels pass through this “tunnel.”  If this area gets compressed (squeezed–which happens from position, swelling or crushing) uncomfortable sensations in your hand can result. Compression can result from movements such as tilting.  We are made to move… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Caused by Compression in Your Wrist

Stretching for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can have several causes but most often the cause is muscles.  Tight overstretched muscles in your back.  Tight shortened muscles in the front of your body.  Muscles can be the primary cause of your symptoms. Strengthening helps and so does stretching but it’s helpful to know WHICH muscles to strengthen and WHICH… Continue reading Stretching for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief – Steps for Simple Movements to Reduce Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Carpal tunnel pain?  Relief can be yours, often with simple movements. Many doctors and therapists look at the area of pain and that’s the area they treat. But carpal tunnel syndrome is often a whole body issue so treatment should be geared to your whole body.  (That’s all covered in my Carpal Tunnel Tool Kit.)… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief – Steps for Simple Movements to Reduce Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Should You Have Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief?

Sometimes Carpal Tunnel surgery is necessary.  However, since your muscles are so often the cause of your carpal tunnel symptoms, it makes sense to me to always to try the least invasive thing first. None of the natural methods of symptom relief like massaging your muscles, stretching, strengthening your back or yoga cause unwanted permanent… Continue reading Should You Have Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief?