Carpal Tunnel Surgery or Natural Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Should you have carpal tunnel surgical release?  Or should you try natural, non-invasive therapies first?  Of course, I always think we should go for the least invasive, most natural therapy for any pain first but apparently at least one surgeon doesn’t. Actually, I learned years ago that if you want an opinion it’s not generally… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Surgery or Natural Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Stress Relief and Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Does carpal tunnel pain cause stress?  Or does stress cause carpal tunnel symptoms? Everyone has stress, right?  But everyone does not have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Why not? Because there are different types of stress and because people handle stress in different ways. Stress can cause pain because your body–your system–can stand only so much “noxious”… Continue reading Stress Relief and Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

You Can Have Natural Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief!

How would it feel to be free of your carpal tunnel symptoms? What would it be like to have no pain, no numbness, no tingling?  Is it possible that you could have strength in your hands again? Could you have carpal tunnel pain relief naturally?  In many cases, yes! I’m going to share several ways… Continue reading You Can Have Natural Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief!

Four Ways To Relax The Muscles That Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Did you know that muscles are a primary cause of carpal tunnel symptoms?  Yes! Natural carpal tunnel pain relief can be yours by relaxing the muscles that cause your symptoms.  You may have two questions right about now: (1)  Muscles cause symptoms?  Absolutely!  Muscles are the most common cause of carpal tunnel symptoms.  And they… Continue reading Four Ways To Relax The Muscles That Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Top Ten Ways To Get Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Here are ten top ways to start getting rid of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: 1.  Get a strong back.  When your back is strong you will prevent many of the trigger points that can cause carpal tunnel pain. 2.  Improve your posture.  This goes along with getting a strong back.  An upright posture will help you… Continue reading Top Ten Ways To Get Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Does Repetitive Movement Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome caused by repetitive work?  Not according to National Institutes of Health research.  Their studies involved healthy people who did repetitive movement and did not get carpal tunnel symptoms! So then, what does cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?  Let me count the ways…here’s a few: 1.  Sometimes it actually is caused by a… Continue reading Does Repetitive Movement Cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Pain Relief Gels, Sprays and Ointments – 4 Reasons They Help

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome won’t be cured by applying pain relief sprays, gels or ointments but here are four reasons they could possibly help. 1.  Applying the gel or cream with your hands means that you are moving your hands or arms quite possibly in a different way than position than usual.  Using your muscles in… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Pain Relief Gels, Sprays and Ointments – 4 Reasons They Help

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has several possible causes.  That means it also has several potential cures! Sometimes the cause is a vitamin deficiency.  That’s an easy cure.  Sometimes the cause is diabetes or pregnancy.  One needs doctor’s care or lots of self-care watching diet and exercise and weight.  Pregnancy usually takes care of itself after a… Continue reading What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

How Massage Therapy Helps Get Rid of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Massage really CAN help get rid of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Here’s how: Massage is old medicine (the oldest!) Massage is powerful medicine. Massage is all-natural. Massage has no side effects (although you might have some tenderness following the first session or two). It’s used all over the world–especially in “less sophisticated and less high tech… Continue reading How Massage Therapy Helps Get Rid of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome