How To Make Your Laptop Computer More Ergonomic

Your laptop can be causing your carpal tunnel pain! Laptops are hard to use because, well, they just are!  If you watch someone using a laptop, they are probably curled up or scrunched over.  The monitor is too close to the keyboard. One day there will be a design where the monitor will lift off… Continue reading How To Make Your Laptop Computer More Ergonomic

How Can You Stop Your Carpal Tunnel Pain?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms may go away when you rest your muscles, do different activities, use proper (“good”) body mechanics and posture, and exercise (move) and strengthen the muscles in your arm. But if you don’t keep doing all of those things, your symptoms can come back.  (Symptoms are things like pain, tingling, numbness, knots… Continue reading How Can You Stop Your Carpal Tunnel Pain?

What Doctors Look For When Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

There are some causes for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that doctors look for when they make a diagnosis.  One of these is diabetes.  One is a genetically (means you were born with it) small carpal  tunnel space (which is rare.) And, there are a few more which are related to medical problems like either type of… Continue reading What Doctors Look For When Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

You Can Have Natural Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief!

How would it feel to be free of your carpal tunnel symptoms? What would it be like to have no pain, no numbness, no tingling?  Is it possible that you could have strength in your hands again? Could you have carpal tunnel pain relief naturally?  In many cases, yes! I’m going to share several ways… Continue reading You Can Have Natural Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief!

Top Ten Ways To Get Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Here are ten top ways to start getting rid of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: 1.  Get a strong back.  When your back is strong you will prevent many of the trigger points that can cause carpal tunnel pain. 2.  Improve your posture.  This goes along with getting a strong back.  An upright posture will help you… Continue reading Top Ten Ways To Get Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Pain Relief Gels, Sprays and Ointments – 4 Reasons They Help

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome won’t be cured by applying pain relief sprays, gels or ointments but here are four reasons they could possibly help. 1.  Applying the gel or cream with your hands means that you are moving your hands or arms quite possibly in a different way than position than usual.  Using your muscles in… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Pain Relief Gels, Sprays and Ointments – 4 Reasons They Help

Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of medical treatment which is thousands of years old.  I found many references about the value of acupuncture for treating back and neck pain and suspected I would find a lot for treatment of carpal tunnel symptoms, too, but I really didn’t find as many. The practice of acupuncture involves stimulating… Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief with Acupuncture

Acupuncture and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Acupuncture is a method of “freeing up” or opening the channels of energy in a body.  I remember reading years ago that an American engineer was able to trace these energy channels.  He said they do, in fact, occur.  He was able to document them electronically or electrically. By opening energetic channels or passageways in… Continue reading Acupuncture and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome